Our Precedent Documents
Instrument of Addition and Removal
Instrument of Additional Settlement
Instrument of Amendment
Instrument of Appointment and Indemnity
Instrument of Appointment, Indemnity and Termination
Instrument of Appointment of Enforcer or Protector
Instrument of Appointment, Retirement and Indemnity
Instrument of Change of Proper Law
Instrument of Exclusion
Instrument of Indemnity and confirmation
Instrument of Indemnity
Administration Services Agreement
Agency Agreement
Asset Assignment Agreement
Asset Purchase Agreement
Board Minutes
Business Sale Agreement
Claim Settlement Agreement
Consultancy Service Agreement
Contract Termination Agreement
Cookie Policy
Data Protection Policy
Deed of Release
Deed of Release of Guarantor
Deed of Termination
Directors Service Agreement
Heads of Terms
Legal Opinion
Letter for Reinstatement of a Company Letter of Advice Letter of Appointment (Director/Secretary)
Letter of Resignation (Director/Secretary)
Letter of Waiver
Limited Liability Company Agreement
Loan Agreement
Loan Assignment Agreement
Loan Novation Agreement
Partnership Agreement
Company (Continued)
Management Service Agreement
Members/Directors Resolutions for the Winding up of a Company
Memorandum and Articles
Migration Documents
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Novation of Contract Agreement
Option Agreement
Ordinary/Special Resolutions
Power of Attorney
Process Agent Letter
Profit Share Agreement
Promissory Notes
Proxy Form
Reduction of Share Capital
Release Agreement
Service Level Agreement
Share and Unit Transfer Form
Share Certificate
Share Exchange Agreement
Share Investment Agreement
Share Options Agreement
Share Purchase Agreement
Shareholder Authorisation
Shareholders Agreement
Shareholders Requisition
Solvency Statement
Subordination Agreement
Terms and Conditions
Terms of Business
Written Resolutions
Foundation Charter (Beneficiaries/Purpose)
Administration Agreement
Administration Acceptance Letter
Investment Management Agreement
Subscription Agreement
Limited Partnerships
Instrument of Adherence
Instrument of Assignment and Adherence
LLP Resolutions/ LLP Board Minutes
LLP Agreement
Partnership Interest Assignment Agreement
Letter of Consent Assignment
Commercial Lease (Above and below 9 years)
Commercial Licence
Lease Assignment
Property Power of Attorney
Tenancy Agreement
Key Contacts
Andrew Pinel
David Yetman
Group Partner
Agnieszka Blaszczyk
Group Partner
Roisin Hocking