Pinel Advocates has been praised for its work in Financial and Corporate and Investment Funds by the 2016 edition of the IFLR 1000 legal rankings.

Advocate Andrew Pinel, Partner, said "We are delighted with this year's rankings in the IFLR 1000, following upon our good placement in the 2016 Legal 500 listings.  Pinel Advocates has grown year-on-year over the past seven years and 2017 is likely to be very exciting for us. 

We will be developing new business streams and building on our existing strengths. We will be moving from our current Jersey office to new, larger premises, providing the base for the development of Pinel Advocates over the next decade."

The IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. The first rankings were published in 1990 and currently IFLR researches over 120 jurisdictions worldwide.

Law firm rankings are based upon three key criteria, namely transactional evidence, peer feedback and client feedback.

